Physical: 14102 Highway 55 McCall ID 83638 - Mailing: PO Box 1938, McCall

The Wild

Children’s Ministry

The Hunt

The Hunt is an overnight event for 3rd-5th graders. It is held at the church on March 21-22. Register your kids at the link below!

Register Here
We Provide

Sunday Classes

The WILD Children’s Ministry offers a place where children, babies through 5th grade, get to learn about the Gospel through fun activities and lessons led by our amazing volunteers. Our curriculum uses songs, activities, and videos all related to a specific Bible passage in order to teach children more about the theme of that week’s lesson. Our program also offers special events a few times a year like Vacation Bible School, an Easter celebration, and more!

A parent or guardian needs to check in their child/children every Sunday at our Check-In area before taking them to their respective classes. If this is your first time at Elk Creek Church, a volunteer will help you get registered in our system and direct you to the correct classroom.

Register Ahead Of Time

Your Options…

On Sunday’s you can choose to check your kids into Childrens Church during the service at 10:00am or they can stay and sit with you during the message. 
Preschoolers through 5th graders will meet in the The Wild for a Children’s Service (please still check-in in the Celebration Center) and younger kids will be in the nursery.

Kids Age Groups


Ages 0-3

Children’s Service

PreK-5th Grade


Sleuth is on Sunday nights from 5:00-7:0 in The Wild for 3rd-5th graders. We will be starting on September 8.
